Notice to Tenant and Release:
The tenant will furnish a lock. Tenant releases Lessor and Lessor's Agent(s) from any liability for ALL loss, damage, or cause of action of any nature. This includes bodily injury and damage to property stored in or transported to Redfische storage facility- regardless of who owns the property. Regardless of whether loss or damage is caused by fire, smoke, dust, water, weather, insects, explosion, vermin, utility interruption of any kind, equipment malfunction of any kind, unexplained disappearance, negligence of Lessor or Lessor's Agent(s), theft by others of any other cause.
The tenant will be responsible for self-insurance of contents or obtain insurance(s) for all losses and damages as previously stated above.
Absolutely NO storing of fuel or combustible materials. Remove any legal portable tanks!
A 30-day written move-out notice MUST BE IN WRITING, is required. The lease agreement continues until 30-day notice is received ______ Initial
Handle doors with care. Do not let the wind catch and blow them open or closed. A $100.00 fee for breaking doors.
Write the unit number on the check.
You have a 10-day grace period after the 1st of every month to make your payment in full. On the 11th day a certified letter will be sent. (see reverse for charges that apply) 30 days after the grace a second certified letter will be sent and an overlock will be applied to your storage until payment is made in full (see reverse for charges that apply). ______ Initial
The 110 outlets in stalls are limited to battery chargers only. Enters must get storage owners permission for any other electrical appliances. RVs are not allowed to be plugged in. Violators will be evicted immediately. No refrigerators or deep freezers of any kind. ______ Initial
Storage owner is not responsible for anything damaged or stolen on premises.
Yearly rates accepted only if fully paid up (no late rent due).
Unit may not be used for habitation.
All payments must be mailed. Redfische Storage PO BOX 925584 Houston, TX 77018 Lessor shall have a contractual landlord’s lien upon all of Lessee’s goods and materials stored on the premises, including Lessee’s vessel, and should Lessee remain delinquent in the payment of rent as herein provided for a period of thirty (30) days, Lessor may take possession of any and all personal property belonging to Lessee and stored at the premises, breaking any locks necessary to acquire possession of the property, and lessor may remain in possession of the property until disposed of by Lessor, as set out in section 59.041 through 59.046 of the Texas Property Code. In the event Lessor takes possession of the personal property of the lessee under this provision, Lessor shall give written notice thereof to Lessee at Lessee’s last known address, and if Lessor’s claim is not satisfied before the 15th day after the day such notice is delivered, the property will be sold at public auction. Lessor may dispose of any personal property seized that is incapable of sale due to the nature of said property (such as documents, photographs, etc.), after 15 days notice to Lessee as set out above. 2. CHANGE OF TENANT INFORMATION Tenant agrees immediately notify Lessor of any change in Tenant’s mailing address, phone number or other information in paragraph 1. A change of mailing address will not be effective unless the new address is COMPLETE and the notice is in WRITING, DATED and SIGNED by tenant and is actually RECEIVED BY LESSOR. Return addresses on envelopes or checks are insufficient. Change of phone numbers may be verbal. Monthly Rental Due Dates: 1st of the month. Grace period date: 10th of month. Return Check Charge (plus bank charges and certified mail costs): $50. Initial Late Charge (after grace period, includes certified mail fee): $20. Daily Late Charge Thereafter: $2. Charge for cutting Tenant’s lock: $20. Charge for sending 2nd certified letter for nonpayment: $10. Charge for overlocking Tenant’s space for nonpayment or other violations: $20. Charge for sending statutory notice of claim for unpaid sums (plus certified mail cost): $50. Charges for foreclosing Lessor’s lien at public auction for nonpayment of sums due: $50. Charge for having the judicially evict Tenant (plus attorney’s fees and court costs): $50. Charge for cleaning (hourly rate) when Tenant fails to clean vacated space: $50.